Safeguard your property from wildfires with our vegetation management services. Crossfire Tree and Vegetation Services, provides comprehensive land clearing, defensible space, and wildfire prevention solutions for properties across Butte and Shasta County.

Controlled burn in Chico, CA utilizing Crossfire vegetation management services



Crossfire Tree Services provides comprehensive vegetation management and defensive space services to help protect your property from the spread of wildfire. Defensible space is necessary to prevent the direct flame contact or radiant heat from causing fire damage to your home. It also helps firefighters defend your property more effectively. Our team offers targeted elimination of unwanted vegetation and helps you meet California's legal requirements for defensible space.

As of January 1, 2023, homeowners are required to create 100 ft of defensible space around their property, including Zones 0, 1, & 2, which have stricter fuel reduction measures near structures. We are committed to helping our customers meet these evolving state standards for vegetation management on properties of all sizes. Contact us to create a safer environment for your home and loved ones today.




We are dedicated to ensuring your compliance and protecting your home from the risk of wildfire. This typically includes clearing brush, removing dead trees and branches, and implementing proper fuel management techniques. We offer free on-site consultations to help you determine what steps are necessary to help you meet the current county regulations.


Crossfire Tree Service provides defensible space and vegetation management services to ensure the vegetation surrounding your property does not pose a threat in case of a wildfire. By creating a clear area around your home or other structures, the spread of fire is slowed down, and firefighters have more room to work effectively in protecting your property.



Our tracked machine can easily handle mowing fields and steep terrain. Mowing dry grass is cost-effective, but comes with a risk of fire. That's why we have 250 gallons of water and a high-pressure fire pump on our truck, plus a fire suppression foam unit on our tractor. This service should be performed as soon as the grass dries for reduced fire hazard.


Shaded fuel breaks are an ideal and effective way to reduce fire hazard. This technique involves removing "ladder fuels" and pruning trees while retaining a canopy to reduce wind speeds. Additionally, the shade provided by the tree canopy can deter new brush from growing in the area, which prevents ladder fuels from reappearing.



Hazardous Fuel Reduction requires the removal of ladder fuels, such as pine needles, leaves, brush, and low hanging branches. By eliminating these fuels, fires are confined to the ground, which makes them more manageable and stops them from spreading to the tree crowns. This reduction in ladder fuels helps to reduce the risk of wildfires.


Pile creation and burning can be an effective way to reduce fuel buildup and fire hazards on your property, especially in areas where mechanical equipment can't easily access. Depending on the terrain and season, pile stacking and burning may be the option for you. Crossfire can provide the tools and experience needed to help complete this task in a safely managed way.



Weed abatement services remove and manage unwanted vegetation within 30' of your home or structures, reducing the fire hazard in dry climates and ensuring compliance with local fire codes. These services are essential to create a defensible space and protect your property. Contact Crossfire Tree Service to discuss weed abatement services and preparation for the fire season.


We are experts in wildfire prevention for properties of all sizes, utilizing various techniques to mitigate risk. Our services range from clearing brush and dead vegetation to removing dead trees and branches, implementing proper fuel management, and creating defensible space to decrease the likelihood of wildfire. Call for a property assessments to address specific wildfire risks.



Crossfire is proud to announce we are now licensed in vegetation control! With our herbicide spraying personnel and equipment, Crossfire can now prevent your weeds and vegetation from growing, keeping your property fire safe compliant year around, and ensuring a clean and manicured look for your property all year long.


We have the equipment and experience needed to help you restore your property after a wildfire. This can include services such as including erosion control, tree planting, seeding, debris removal, and hazard tree assessment and removal. Our goal is to restore the ecosystem, reduce erosion, and ensure the safety of property owners.



Mastication and forestry mowing are techniques we use to reduce wildfire risk and improve the health of the ecosystem. Mastication involves grinding up vegetation, while forestry mowing uses a specialized mower to clear large areas of brush and small trees. We utilize both techniques in wildland management, firebreaks, and right-of-ways.




Fire icon representing fire protection from vegetation management

Fire Protection

By reducing fuel loads and creating defensible space under CalFire regulations, vegetation management can help reduce the risk of wildfire and protect your property.

Leaf icon representing improved ecological health from vegetation management

Improved Ecological Health

Proper vegetation management reduces invasive species and can help promote the growth of native plants and improve the overall health of an ecosystem.

House icon representing enhanced property value

Enhanced Property Value

Properly maintained landscapes, vegetation, and trees can increase property value and improve the overall aesthetic appeal of your property.

Money icon representing reduced maintenance costs

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Regular vegetation management and strategic long-term tree care plans can reduce the need for costly maintenance on your property in the long run.

Shield icon representing improved safety from vegetation management

Improved Safety

By removing dead and diseased trees, and reducing the growth of invasive species, vegetation management can help improve safety on a property.

Water icon representing improved water retention

Improved Water Retention

By maintaining healthy vegetation and reducing erosion, vegetation management can help improve water retention and reduce the risk of flooding in an area.